We have existed
for years’ unknown
in a faraway distant land
boundless and bizarre
silently, in love.
Like the sun that shines on the horizon
like the flower that blooms at dawn
like the bees searching for nectar
we have known
the truth behind our existence
that we need not show
Or prove
Or lament.
It is destined to be silently ours
preserved in scripts written with tender love
and the beauty of our magical union.
Yes, it is us,
strange beings in a stranger world
united in a perfect balance
like the thorns and the rose
for the eyes to see and
the minds to decipher
the unsung harmony.
I know we have been there for each other
Silently serving
As guardian, friend, valentine
And will do so forever
For our stars have aligned.
I know we exist
Because my heart believes
In something called ‘we’
In all the little and big things that comprise
Of Just you and me.
The Meraki Canvas
Travel itineraries and lifestyle